People having
functional benefic mars, strong, well placed in their chart enjoy
its significations in the period of mars.
People born in Taurus, Virgo & Scorpio Rashis may prone to manglic
Dosha, if mars is bad placed, week, afflicted at midpoint in their
charts & have problems in life with relations to other
significations, Besides marital relations. |
The seven
and a half year period of saturn’s transit in twelth, first &
second house from the birth moon is called the sadesatti of Saturn
& 4th, 8th position from moon called saturn’s dhaiya.
Function Melefic nature of Saturn for cancer, Virgo & Pieces
Rashis is malefic. If Saturn is weak, Combust, Bad placed,
afflicted in chart, people face problems in that period disturbed
mentally, physically & financial part of view, person may
experience ill health, laziness, mental
stress, disputes, problems due to ailments & enemies,
Losses due to theft & fire etc, & death of elders in the family. |